The IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 15 No. 7 (15 June 2015)
The IUGG Electronic Journal
Volume 15 No. 7 (15 June 2015)
NOTE: This June issue of the IUGG E-Journal follows 2 weeks from the 1 June issue. There will not be a July issue. Normal E-Journal issues should resume in August. These unusual issue dates are necessary to accommodate the events leading up to, and
including, the General Assembly.
Special Issue for the 26th General Assembly of the IUGG Prague, Czech Republic,
22 June – 2 July 2015
This special newsletter issue provides the latest information and key dates for the 26th General Assembly of the International Union of
Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG). Past issues are posted on the IUGG website ( Please
forward this message to those who will benefit from the information. Your comments are welcome.
1. The 26h IUGG General Assembly
2. Scientific Program of the Assembly
3. Union Plenary Lectures
4. Important Events
5. Information for Council Delegates
6. Awards to be presented at the IUGG2015
1. The 26th IUGG General Assembly
IUGG General Assemblies are held every four years and provide an opportunity for scientists from all over the world representing eight Union
Associations that comprise the IUGG and official delegates of 70 Member Countries of IUGG to come together to share their latest scientific
discoveries and to determine strategies of the Union development for the next four years. This will be the second time that the IUGG General
Assembly has been held in Prague (the previous one was the Third General Assembly in 1927). The Czech Republic is ideal destination for
holidays and tourism, offering excellent historical, cultural, and natural touring opportunities.
The General Assembly will be held in the Prague Congress Centre positioned in the middle of the city. The centre is shown in the photo below
and more information is available at the webpage
Prague Congress Centre
2. Scientific Program of the Assembly
The Scientific Program of the 26th IUGG General Assembly will run from Tuesday 23 June until Wednesday 1 July. Each day will consist of
four 90minute oral sessions and posters sessions. The Tuesday, 23 June, afternoon session will be the Opening Ceremony followed by the
Award Ceremony and Reception; the Wednesday, 1 July, afternoon session will be the Closing Ceremony; and three morning sessions will
have Union Plenary presentations.
The Scientific Program of the 2015 IUGG General Assembly includes three categories of symposia and a number of workshops on a wide
range of geophysical themes. These include:
• Union Symposia which cover a wide range of themes of concern to all or many Associations and Union Commissions. Invited speakers
feature in these Symposia, supported by poster presentations selected by the convenors from those submitted. Some of the Union Symposia
are expanded or followed in greater depth in related Joint Symposia or in Association Symposia.
• Joint Symposia with invited speakers and scientists whose presentations (which consist of oral and poster presentations) are accepted by
the session convenors. The themes have been devised by at least two Associations, one of which is the lead Association.
Some Joint Symposia are developed further separately in Association Symposia and Workshops.
• Association Symposia with invited speakers and scientists whose presentations (which consist of oral and poster presentations) are
accepted by the session convenors. The eight Associations, and the single letter code used to identify them, are:
o C - IACS International Association of Cryospheric Sciences
o G - IAG International Association of Geodesy
o A - IAGA International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
o H - IAHS International Association of Hydrological Sciences
o M - IAMAS International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
o P - IAPSO International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans
o S - IASPEI International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior
o V - IAVCEI International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior
The detailed Scientific Program is available online at:
3. Union Plenary Lectures
The scientific theme for the General Assembly is Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet. The IUGG President has invited nine of
the world’s leading scientists to present Plenary Lectures on the following topics, listed in the order of presentation:
- Transformation of Human Society for Sustainable Future (by Yuan T. Lee, Academy Sinica, Taipei, China)
- The Whole-System Approach to Extreme Space Weather (by Janet U. Kozyra, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, USA)
- Challenges of Educating Hydrologists for the Global South; the Case of Southern Africa (by Dominic Mazvimavi, University of
the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa)
- Sea Level Change in the Anthropocene (by Jonathan Gregory, University of Reading and Met Office, Reading, United Kingdom)
- Earthquake Dynamics and Seismic Radiation (by Raul Madariaga, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France)
- Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety (by Thomas J. Casedevall, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO, USA)
-Contributions of Geodesy to Monitoring Natural Hazards and Global Change (byHarald Schuh, German Research Centre for
Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany)
- Atmospheric Chemistry in the Anthropocene (by Laura Gallardo, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile)
- The Global Ocean Carbon Sink: Recent Trends and Variability (by Nicolas Gruber, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland)
The abstract of the lectures and the short bios of the Union Lecturers can be viewed at
4. Important Events
Following are a list of special scientific and business events that will take place during the General Assembly, in chronological order (room
number is in parentheses). The full list of business
meetings can be found at:
First session of the IUGG Council Meeting
(Conference Hall; by invitation only)
Monday, 22 June | 13:30 – 18:00 |
First session of the IUGG Council Meeting (Conference Hall; by invitation only) |
Tuesday, 23 June |
08:30 – 10:00 10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Symposium U1 “Future Earth and Sustainability ” (Congress Hall) |
Tuesday, 23 June | 16:30 – 18:00 |
Opening Ceremony. Award Ceremony (Congress Hall) |
Tuesday, 23 June | 18:00 – 20:00 |
Welcome Reception (Foyer around Congress Hall – Poster and Exhibition Area) |
Wednesday, 24 June |
08:30 – 10:00 13:30 – 15:00 16:30 – 18:00 |
Union Symposium U2 “Integrated Disaster Risk Science: Accounting for Extremes” (Congress Hall) |
Wednesday, 24 June |
10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Lecture UL1 10:30: “Transformation of Human Society for Sustainable Future”. Speaker: Yuan T. Lee (China-Taipei) 11:00: “The Whole System Approach to Extreme Space Weather”. Speaker: Janet U. Kozyra (USA) 11:30: “Challenges of Educating Hydrologists for the Global South; the Case of southern Africa”. Speaker: Dominic Mazvimavi (South Africa) (Congress Hall) |
Thursday, 25 June |
08:30 – 12:00 |
Second Session of the IUGG Council Meeting (Conference Hall; by invitation only) |
Thursday, 25 June |
08:30 – 10:00 10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Symposium U8 “Geo-Monitoring in the 21st Century” (Congress Hall) |
Thursday, 25 June |
13:30 – 15:00 16:30 – 18:00 |
Union Symposium U10 “Sea Level Change and Variability: Past, Present and Future” (Congress Hall) |
Friday, 26 June |
08:30 – 10:00 13:30 – 15:00 16:30 – 18:00 |
Union Symposium U6 “Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems in Geophysical Sciences” (Congress Hall) |
Friday, 26 June | 10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Lecture UL2
10:30: “Sea Level Change in the Anthropocene”. Speaker: Jonathan Gregory (UK) 11:00: “Earthquake Dynamics and Seismic Radiation”. Speaker: Raul Madariaga (France) 11:30: “Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety”. Speaker: Thomas J. Casadevall (USA) (Congress Hall) |
Saturday, 27 June |
08:30 – 10:00 10:30 – 12:00 13:30 – 15:00 16:30 – 18:00 |
Union Symposium U11 “Early Career Scientists Symposium” (Congress Hall) |
Saturday, 27 June |
18:30 – 21:00 |
Presidential Reception (by invitation only) (Corinthia Hotel Prague, Suite 2, 3rd floor Kongresová 1655/1, 140 69 Prague 4) |
Sunday, 28 June |
08:30 – 10:00 10:30 – 12:00 13:30 – 15:00 16:30 – 18:00 |
Union Symposium U5 “New Discoveries in Deep Interior of the Earth and Planets” (Congress Hall) |
Monday, 29 June |
08:30 – 10:00 13:30 – 15:00 16:30 – 18:00 |
Union Symposium U9 “Revolutions in Earth Sciences: from Different Spheres to a Common Globe” (Congress Hall) |
Monday, 29 June |
10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Lecture UL3 10:30: “Contributions of Geodesy to Monitoring Natural Hazards and Global Change”. Speaker: Harald Schuh (Germany) 11:00: “Atmospheric Chemistry in the Anthropocene”. Speaker: Laura Gallardo (Chile) 11:30: “The Global Ocean Carbon Sink: Recent Trends and Variability”. Speaker: Nicolas Gruber (Switzerland) (Congress Hall) |
Monday, 29 June | 15:00 – 18:00 |
Third Session of the IUGG Council Meeting (Conference Hall; by invitation only) |
Tuesday, 30 June |
08:30 – 10:00 10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Symposium U3 “Mathematics and Observations of Earth Systems” (Congress Hall) |
Tuesday, 30 June |
08:30 – 10:00 10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Symposium U3 “Mathematics and Observations of Earth Systems” (Congress Hall) |
Tuesday, 30 June |
13:30 – 15:00 16:30 – 18:00 |
Union Symposium U4 “Data Science and Analytics in Geodesy and Geophysics – Research and Education Progress and Opportunities” (Congress Hall) |
Wednesday, 1 July |
08:30 – 10:00 10:30 – 12:00 |
Union Symposium U7 “The Potential for Carbon- and Climate-Engineering to Offset Global Change” (Congress Hall) |
Wednesday, 1 July |
16:30 – 18:00 |
Closing Ceremony (Congress Hall) |
5. Information for Council Delegates
The IUGG Council Meeting will be held on 22 June (1st Session), 25 June (2nd Session), and 29 June (3rd Session) in the Conference Hall. Attendance is restricted to accredited Delegates and invited Guests. Please ensure that the Adhering Body has sent the original letter of
accreditation to the IUGG Secretariat and issued credentials for delegates to the Association Plenaries. Please carry a copy of your
accreditation letter when you attend the Council meeting.
Of the 70 members of IUGG, there are 10 Associates, 13 Observers, and 47 countries with dues paid that are therefore eligible to vote. If dues are received from an Observer country prior to the General Assembly, the relevant National Delegate will be able to vote. As of this date,
delegates from 47 members will attend the Council meeting, including 1 Associate Members who attend as Listeners of the Council.
A hard copy of the Agenda Book will be given to each Council Delegate.
Important votes to be taken at the third session of the Council Meeting (29 June) include (i) changes to Statutes and ByLaws, (ii) approval of
the Budget for 2016to2019, (iii) election of officers, and (iv) selection of the venue of the 2019 General Assembly. Delegates unable to attend a specific Council session may arrange with the Secretary General to submit a ballot in advance.
Selection of the venue of the 27th IUGG General Assembly in 2019. Invitations were received to hold the 27th IUGG General Assembly in
Montreal, Canada, and Delhi, India. The IUGG Site Evaluation Committee prepared a comprehensive report based on the evaluations of the
two bids and on the site inspection carried by two members of the committee. The report will be presented at the first session of the Council
and the bidders will present their proposals to the Council at the third session of the Council meeting.
The Statutes and ByLaws of the Union are found at: The Council Meetings are conducted according to Robert’s
Rules of Order Newly Revised, which also deals with an assembly of delegates. The duties of delegates are as follows: “When a member of a
constituent unit (the Adhering Body in the case of IUGG) has accepted election as a delegate, he has the obligation to attend the convention,
with such expense allowance as the unit may provide; he should not leave it to an alternate to serve in his place except for serious reason. At the convention, the delegate has the duty to be present at the business meetings, and to be prepared on returning from the convention to present to his unit an information report on what transpired. A delegate is free to vote as he sees fit on questions at the convention, except as his
constituent unit may have instructed him in regard to particular matters scheduled for consideration.”
5. Awards to be presented at the IUGG2015
IUGG Awards
IUGG Gold Medalist
Name | Last Name | Country |
Brian J. | Hoskins | UK |
IUGG Fellows
IUGG elected Fellows
Name | Last Name | Country |
John | Burrows | GERMANY/UK |
Xiaofei | Chen | CHINA |
Andrea | Flossmann | FRANCE/GERMANY |
Sophie | Godin-Beekmann | FRANCE |
Gerald | Jones | CANADA |
Jianping | Li | CHINA/USA |
IUGG conferred Fellows
Name | Last Name | Country |
Robin | Adams | UK |
Ian | Allison | AUSTRALIA |
Ole Bedsted | Andersen | DENMARK |
Shigeo | Aramaki | JAPAN |
Attia A. | Ashour | EGYPT |
Georges | Balmino | FRANCE |
Charles | Barton | AUSTRALIA |
Gerhard | Beutler | SWITZERLAND |
Claude | Boucher | FRANCE |
Fred E. | Camfield | USA |
Junyong | Chen | CHINA |
Yun Tai | Chen | HINA |
Henny | Colenbrander | NETHERLANDS |
Huw C. | Davies | SWITZERLAND |
Jean-Claude | De Bremaec | USA |
Robert A. | Duce | USA |
E. Robert | Engdahl | USA |
Sergei A. | Fedotov | RUSSIA |
Eigil | Christense | DENMARK |
Claude | Froidevaux | FRANCE |
Paolo | Gasparini | ITALY |
Vinod K. | Gaur | INDIA |
Soren | Gregersen | DENMARK |
Erwin | Groten | GERMANY |
Michael J. | Hamlin | UK |
Grant | Heiken | USA |
Brian J. | Hoskins | UK |
Bengt | Hultqvis | SWEDEN |
Shiro | Imawaki | JAPAN |
David D. | Jackson | USA |
R. Wally | Johnson | AUSTRALIA |
Jo Ann | Joselyn | USA |
George | Kaser | AUSTRIA |
Brian L. N. | Kennett | AUSTRALIA |
David J. | Kerridge | UK |
Masaru | Kono | JAPAN |
Herbert W. | Kroehl | USA |
Michael | Kuhn | AUSTRIA |
Herbert W. | Kroehl | USA |
Michael | Kuhn | AUSTRIA |
Manfred | Lange | GERMANY/CYPRUS |
Roland | List | CANADA |
Michel | Louis | FRANCE |
Michael C. | MacCracken | USA |
Paola | Malanotte-Rizzol | USA/ITALY |
Gordon | McBean | CANADA |
Steve R. | McNutt | USA |
Helmut | Moritz | AUSTRIA |
Ivan I. | Mueller | USA |
Robin D. | Muench | USA |
Lawrence | Mysak | CANADA |
Setsuya | Nakada | JAPAN |
Oded | Navon | ISRAEL |
Alexei V. | Nikolaev | RUSSIA |
James J. | O'Brien | USA |
Patrick | Pinet | FRANCE |
John C. | Rodda | UK |
Juan G. | Roederer | USA |
Fernando | Sanso | ITALY |
Hans-Ulrich | Schmincke | GERMANY |
Uri | Shamir | ISRAEL |
L. Vere | Shannon | SOUTH AFRICA |
Jozef | Somogyi | HUNGARY |
Steve J. | Spark | UK |
A. Fred | Spilhaus | USA |
Kiyoshi | Suyehiro | JAPAN |
Kuni | Takeuchi | JAPAN |
Ali A. A. | Tealeb | EGYPT |
Wolfgang | Torge | GERMANY |
Seiya | Uyeda | JAPAN |
Juan F. | Vilas | ARGENTINA |
Guoxiong | Wu | CHINA |
Zhongliang | Wu | CHINA |
Peter J. | Wyllie | USA |
Gordon | Young | CANADA |
IUGG Early Career Scientist Awardees
Name | Last Name | Country |
Ruiqiang | Ding | CHINA |
Andreas | Fichtner | SWITZERLAND |
Gregory | Foltz | USA |
Markus | Hrachowitz | NETHERLANDS |
Matthias | Huss | SWITZERLAND |
Ben | Kravitz | USA |
Ben | Marzeion | AUSTRIA |
Ilona | Riipinen | SWEDEN/USA/FINLAND |
Johanna | Salminen | FINLAND |
Futoshi | Takahashi | JAPAN |
Association Awards
IACS Awardee
2015 Early Career Scientist Price
Name | Last Name | Country |
Mathieu | Morlighem | USA |
IAG Awardees
Levallois Medal
Name | Last Name | Country |
Reinhard | Rummel | GERMANY |
Bomford Prize
Name | Last Name | Country |
Yoshiyuki | Tanaka | JAPAN |
2013 Young Authors Award
Name | Last Name | Country |
Krzysztof | Sosnica | SWITZERLAND |
2014 Young Authors Award
Name | Last Name | Country |
Álvaro | Santamaria-Gómez | FRANCE |
IAGA Awardees
Shen Kuo Award for interdisciplinary achievements
Name | Last Name | Country |
Dan | Baker | USA |
IAGA Long Service Awards
Name | Last Name | Country |
Hans-Joachim | Linthe | GERMANY |
John | Riddick | UK |
Young Scientist Awards
Name | Last Name | Country |
Erin | Dawkins | UK |
Maria | Mendakiewicz | POLAND |
Israel | Silber | ISRAEL |
Rémi | Thiéblemont | GERMANY |
IAHS Awardees
2015 International Hydrology Prize (IHP Dooge medal)
Name | Last Name | Country |
Mary | Hill | USA |
2015 International Hydrology Prize (IHP Volker medal)
Name | Last Name | Country |
Pierre | Hubert | FRANCE |
2015 Tison Award
Name | Last Name | Country |
Antonino | Maltese | ITALY |
Fulvio | Capodici | ITALY |
IAMAS Awardees
2015 Early Career Scientist Medal
Name | Last Name | Country |
Yuan | Wang | USA |
IAPSO Awardees
2015 Prince Albert I Medal
Name | Last Name | Country |
Toshio | Yamagata | JAPAN |
IASPEI Awardees
Medal 2015
Name | Last Name | Country |
William H. K. | Lee | USA |
Other Awards
Young Researcher Award of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) to attend the 26th IUGG General Assembly
Name | Last Name | Country |
Flavia | Tauro | ITALY |
End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 15 Number 7 (15 June 2015)
Editor-in-Chief: Alik Ismail-Zadeh, Secretary General (
Associate Editor: Franz Kuglitsch, Executive Secretary / Assistant Secretary General (
Editors: Tom Beer (Australia) and Kathy Whaler (UK)
Note: Contributions to IUGG E-Journal are welcome from members of the IUGG family. Please send your contributions to Alik Ismail-Zadeh by e-mail (insert in Subject line: contribution to E-Journal). The contributions will be reviewed and may be shortened.