The IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 14 No. 10 (1 October 2014)

The IUGG Electronic Journal
Volume 14 No. 10 (1 October 2014)

1. XXVI IUGG General Assembly: Call for Abstracts and Registration Open
2. Nominations for the IUGG Gold Medal due on 22 October
3. Proposed changes to IUGG Statutes and By-Laws due 1 November
4. Report on the SEDI International Symposium
5. Report on the GeoUnions Meeting
6. Report on the COSPAR Council Meeting
7. News from Future Earth
8. IUGG-related meetings occurring during October – December 2014

1. XXVI IUGG General Assembly: Call for Abstracts and Registration Open
The XXVI IUGG General Assembly (Prague, Czech Republic, 22 June – 2 July 2015) will start in less than a year. The preparations are now moving quickly. The assembly’s webpage allows
- to submit abstracts online (;
- to register (the registration is open at;
- to search and reserve a hotel room (;
- to submit a travel grant application (
The GA’s Scientific Program includes three categories of symposia and a number of workshops on a wide range of geophysical themes.
- Union Symposia cover a wide range of themes of concern to the eight Associations. Invited speakers feature in these Symposia. Several of the Union Symposia are expanded or followed in greater depth in Joint Symposia or in Association Symposia;
- Inter-Associations Symposia with keynote speakers and scientists whose oral and poster presentations are accepted by the session convenors. The themes have been devised by at least two Associations, one of which is the lead Association. Some Joint Symposia are further developed separately in Association Symposia.
- Association Symposia with keynote speakers and scientists whose oral and poster presentations are accepted by the session convenors.
The Scientific Program ( and other important information are available on the GA’s web site
Please bookmark the site and visit it regularly.

2. Nominations for the IUGG Gold Medal due 22 October
The Gold Medal is the highest honor of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, established in 2013 to award Earth and space scientists for outstanding contributions to geodesy and geophysics and for unselfish international cooperation in research. The Medal is presented by the IUGG President at IUGG General Assembly following the announcement of the award. The Awardee is bestowed the Medal, a Medal certificate and an Honorary Membership of IUGG.
The deadline for submission of nominations is 22 October 2014. Nominations for the IUGG Gold Medal can be submitted by IUGG Adhering Bodies/National Committees or Union Associations. They should be addressed to the Chair of the IUGG Gold Medal Committee. The guidelines for the nominations can be found at the IUGG webpage:

3. Proposed Changes to IUGG Statutes and By-laws due 1 November
Adhering Bodies of IUGG Member Countries, through their National Committees, may submit proposals for modifications to the IUGG Statutes and By-Laws. You are encouraged to review the Statutes and By-Laws to determine whether they require revision to improve the Union’s operations. The Committee appointed to accept and coordinate the proposed changes consists of the following members:
Chair: David Kerridge (U.K.)
Members: Vijay Dimri (India), Jerome Dyment (France), Jeff Freymueller (USA), JoAnn Joselyn (USA), and Michael Sideris (Canada, ex-officio).
To permit the Committee to prepare a summary of the proposed changes and their consequences, please send proposals before 1 November 2014 to Dr. David Kerridge by e-mail:

4. Report on the SEDI2014 International Symposium
The IUGG Union Commission on the Study of the Earth’s Deep Interior (SEDI) held its 14th SEDI International Symposium in Shonan Village Center, Kanagawa, Japan, from 3 to 8 August 2014. It was successfully organized by a Local Organizing Committee led by Hisayoshi Shimizu (Chair), Masataka Matsushima, Takashi Nakagawa (Program Chair), Masayuki Obayashi, Futoshi Takahashi, Nozomu Takeuchi, and Satoru Tanaka. About 150 participants attended, coming from fourteen different countries (Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Japan, Netherland, Norway, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK and USA). The SEDI symposium was organized by eight sessions led by discussion leaders. Each session had one keynote talk and two shorter more 2
focused talks, followed by ample time for discussion of posters and key scientific issues. These eight sessions were: S1: Mantle – Observations; S2: Mantle – Modeling & Dynamics; S3: The Core-Mantle Boundary; S4: Inner Core; S5: Outer Core – Observations; S6: Outer Core – Dynamics; S7: Experiments; and S8: Other Planets.
Participants of the SEDI symposium (photo: S. Tanaka)
The Zatman Lecture “Geomagnetic implications of inner core translation” was delivered by Jon Mound (University of Leeds, UK). The Doornbos Prize for outstanding work by earlier career scientist was presented to (i) Nick Schmerr for his cross-disciplinary studies into the detailed natures of seismic discontinuities in the upper mantle, which give new views to mineralogical interpretation and their dynamical relationship with surface tectonic features of the Earth; (ii) Kenji Ohta for his outstanding experimental studies on phase transitions, thermal and electrical conductivities of materials in the lowermost mantle at high temperatures and pressures, which constrain strongly the interpretation of the dynamics of the core-mantle boundary region; and (iii) Binod Sreenivasan for his fundamental contributions to our understanding of vortex dynamics and magnetic field stability in dynamo system and applications to the Earth’s core.
The proceedings of the 2014 SEDI meeting will be handled by the journal Progress in Earth and Planetary Science. A business meeting was also held and attended by most of the participants. After a presentation and discussion, it was agreed that the next 15th SEDI International Symposium will be held in Nantes, France, late July 2016.
More information about the symposium and SEDI can be found at the following webpages: and
Received from Satoru Tanaka, Chair; Jonathan Aurnou, Vice-Chair, and Michael Bergman, Secretary-General, SEDI

5. Report on the GeoUnions Meeting
The Steering Committee of GeoUnions (GUs) met in Auckland, New Zealand on 30 August 2014 on the occasion of the ICSU General Assembly. Representatives of seven Unions participated in the meeting. Ron Abler (Past President of the International Geographical Union) chaired the Steering 3
Committee. IUGG was represented by Harsh Gupta (President), Alik Ismail-Zadeh (Secretary General and Vice-Chair of the GUs Steering Committee), and Tom Beer (IUGG Past President).
The representatives of GeoUnions discussed the important topics related to the Agendas of the Scientific Unions Meeting (held on 31 August) and the 31st ICSU General Assembly (held from 31 August to 3 September). IUGG and the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) initiated a discussion on the program of Future Earth and highlighted the fact that a very important component related to the physical and chemical processes within solid Earth is missing from the proposed program of Future Earth. These processes are responsible for causing earthquakes, landslides, inundations, volcanoes, providing the material for soil development within which plants grow and all related phenomena affecting environment and society. Continuously improving the understanding of these processes is essential for a better life on Planet Earth and its sustainability. It was decided that GeoUnions should raise the topic of underrepresentation of solid Earth science in the program of Future Earth both at the Unions meeting and at the General Assembly. Harsh Gupta (IUGG President) and Roland Oberhaensli (IUGS President) discussed it during the ICSU meetings and sent a letter to the leadership of Future Earth on behalf of GUs.
Alik Ismail-Zadeh provided information about the initiative proposed by IUGG, GUs, and the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Scientific Program (IRDR) on disaster risk assessment and pointed to the relevant topic of the Agenda of the ICSU General Assembly. He presented this initiative to the General Assembly on 2 September. GUs nominated Orhan Altan (the International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing - ISPRS) for the position of an ICSU Executive Board Member, and he was elected to the Board on 3 September. The International Cartographic Association (ICA) applied to become a Union Member of ICSU, and the General Assembly approved this application. Congratulations to ICA, a new member of the Earth and space cluster of ICSU!
Participants of the GUs meeting (Photo: T. Beer)
Three draft applications for the 2015 ICSU Grants Programme have been presented and discussed at the meeting: (i) on supporting Future Earth with Global Geo-information (led by ISPRS), (ii) on future Earth and space science and education (led by IUGG), and (iii) on resourcing new generations (led by IUGS). Also the Steering Committee discussed cooperation within three forthcoming international years: International Year of Global Understanding (IYGU) led by the International Geographical Union (IGU); 2015 International Year of Soils (IYS) led by the 4
International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS); and the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015) co-sponsored by the International Union of Radio Sciences (URSI). Orhan Altan briefly presented a follow-up joint GUs Booklet Project related to disaster risk management (DRM) and geoinformation products and services.
Alik Ismail-Zadeh assumed the position of Chair of the GUs Steering Committee. Ron Abler was thanked for chairing the Steering Committee for the last three years.
The GeoUnions (GUs) is a network of representatives of eight international scientific unions of the International Council for Sciences (ICSU) dealing with Earth and space sciences. The GUs established a Steering Committee in 2004 to promote the sciences worldwide, to communicate and to coordinate scientific activities of individual unions, and to speak on behalf of GUs members to ICSU Executive Board, ICSU Members and its interdisciplinary bodies and at international level, especially to the United Nations organizations and other global stakeholders.
6. Report on the COSPAR Council Meeting
The 40th Scientific Assembly of the ICSU Scientific Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) was held in Moscow, Russia, from 2 to 10 August 2014. The COSPAR Council met on Saturday, 2 August, and on Sunday, 10 August 2014 to consider several topics of major importance for the scientific committee. The COSPAR President G. Bignami presented his Presidential report and the COSPAR Executive Director J.-L. Fellous presented the activity report for the period since the 2012 COSPAR Scientific Assembly, including information on the activities of the COSPAR Scientific Advisory Committee. The COSPAR Treasurer presented the financial report including the report of the Finance Committee, execution of the 2012 and 2013 budgets, the 2014 and 2015 COSPAR budget considerations, and 2015 national contributions.
As mandated by the revised By-laws adopted by the Council at its 2012 meeting, by the time of the Assembly voting for the COSPAR President has to have taken place by correspondence. Two candidates were placed on the ballot: G. Bignami (Italy) and L. Fisk (USA). Ballots were counted at the Council meeting. The results of the voting on the election of the COSPAR President were announced: L. Fisk was elected the new President of COSPAR. The Council elected two Vice-Presidents, the Bureau, and the Finance Committee. A concern was expressed regarding the nomination and presentation of the candidates for the COSPAR vacant positions, particularly related to the gender issue and representation of the ICSU Scientific Unions.
The COSPAR Executive Director reported on the Capacity Building Workshops including (i) 16th COSPAR workshop in Beijing, China, September 2012, (ii) 17th COSPAR workshop in Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2012, (iii) 18th COSPAR workshop in Xuyi, China, September 2013, (iv) 19th COSPAR workshop in Bangkok, Thailand, November 2013, and (v) 20th COSPAR workshop in Bandung, Indonesia, January 2014. Also, the Council was briefed on the 1st COSPAR Symposium which was held in Bangkok, Thailand, 11 – 15 November 2013, as well as on plans for future Symposia. A representative of the Local Organizing Committee of the 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly (COSPAR 2016) presented a report on the activities related to the preparations to the meeting. The final registration fees were approved, and the Chair of the 2016 Scientific Program Committee was appointed.
COSPAR had received one bid from USA to hold the 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly in 2018 in Pasadena, California. Another bid was submitted to the Council members at the meeting from Malaysia. Both bids were presented to the Council. Without discussion and detailed consideration 5
of each bid, the voting on the venue of the 42nd COSPAR Scientific Assembly was held. The results showed that the majority of votes went to Malaysia. At the next session of the Council, COSPAR Executive Director J.-L. Fellous and Vice President J. Wu informed the Council that the COSPAR Bureau considered the two bids carefully and expressed major concerns related to organization of the COSPAR Assembly in Malaysia in 2018. They presented the statistics related to Malaysian and US bids and the Bureau concerns to the Council. After intensive discussions, the Council decided to ask the Bureau to investigate the case within 1-2 months and to come with a report regarding the possibility of Malaysia to organize a COSPAR assembly in 2018.
At the second session of the Council, M. Panasyuk, Chair of the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) reported on the registration statistics and other salient aspects of the 2014 COSPAR Assembly. 2,232 people from 74 countries attended the Assembly. In total 2,527 talks and 1,344 posters were presented. Two public lectures were delivered by V. Fortov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences (“Extreme State of Matter on the Earth and in the Space”) and V. Sadovnichii, Rector of the M.V. Lomonossov Moscow State University (“Space Education and Research: the Role of Universities”).
The Council was informed of the officers of the COSPAR Commissions/Panels elected or appointed by the Bureau. The reports of COSPAR Scientific Commissions and Technical Panels were distributed among the Council members. Particularly, (i) Commission A (Space Studies of the Earth's Surface, Meteorology and Climate) proposed to host a dedicated session on Geodesy/Solid Earth Geophysics at the next Scientific Assembly in Istanbul, Turkey in 2016; (ii) Commission B (Space Studies of the Earth-Moon System, Planets, and Small Bodies of the Solar System) proposed to reorganize the sub-commission B2 (International Coordination of Space Techniques in Geodesy), joint with IUGG/IAG (with proposed chair T. Duxbury and Vice Chair B. Archinal); and (iii) Technical Panel on Satellite Dynamics (PSD) proposed an event for the COSPAR 2016 Scientific Assembly with a tentative title “Earthquake revealed from space: observations, models and implications”. It was suggested to run the event together with IUGG/IAG.
The COSPAR Scientific Program was co-sponsored by many national, international and intergovernmental organizations including IUGG and its associations (IAGA and IAMAS).
Alik Ismail-Zadeh, COSPAR Council Delegate

7. News from Future Earth
Future Earth is seeking an Executive Director
The Executive Director will head a new globally distributed Future Earth Secretariat, recently announced by the Science and Technology Alliance for Global Sustainability following an open competition, and will work closely with the scientific community, stakeholders, and members of the Future Earth governance structure. Further information on the role, required skills and experience, and information on how to apply can be found on the Future Earth website: The closing date for applications is Monday, 13 October 2014.

8. IUGG-related meetings occurring during October – December
A calendar of meetings of interest to IUGG disciplines (especially those organized by IUGG Associations) is posted on the IUGG website ( Specific information about these meetings can be found there. Individual Associations also list more meetings on their websites according to their disciplines.
- 6-8, IUGG, IASPEI, EGU, Rhodes, Greece, Mega earthquakes and tsunamis in subduction-zones: forecasting approaches and implications for hazard assessment. Web:
- 7-16, IAGA, Hyderabad, India, XVI IAGA Workshop on Geomagnetic Observatory Instruments, Data Acquisition and Processing. Web:
- 12-18, SCOSTEP, Xian, China, SCOSTEP’s 13th Quadrennial Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics. Web:
- 13-17, ICTP, IUGG, Trieste, Italy, 2nd TOSCA training school on solar variability and climate response. Web:
- 13-17, IAG, Luxembourg, Symposium 2014 on Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences (REFAG2014). Web:
- 13-17, WCRP, Darmstadt, Germany, The Climate Symposium 2014. Web:
- 13-25, ICTP, IUGG, Trieste, Italy, Advanced Workshop and School on Megathrust Earthquakes and Tsunamis. Web:
- 13-26, IAVCEI, Olot, Spain, 3rd International Course on Volcanology (in Spanish). Web:
- 24-26, CNC-IUGG, Beijing, China, 1st Congress of China Geodesy and Geophysics. Web:
- 27-28, IAG, Konstanz, Germany, IDS Workshop 2014.
- 27-29, GCW, Santiago, Chile, CryoNet South America Workshop. Web:
- 27-31, IAG, Annapolis, MD, USA, 19th International Workshop on Laser Ranging. Web:
- 2-5, CODATA, WDS, New Delhi, India, 24th International CODATA Conference and 29th CODATA General Assembly. Web:
- 10-11, IAHS, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 5th STAHY International Workshop. Web:
- 12-14, UNISDR, WMO, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 3rd International Conference on ENSO. Web:
- 16-24, IAVCEI, Atacama, Chile, 12th Field Workshop on Volcanic Gases. Web:
- 17-20, IAG, Denver, CO, USA, PECORA 19. In conjunction with the Joint Symposium of ISPRS Technical Commission I and IAG Commission 4. Sustaining Land Imaging: UAVs to Satellites. Web:
- 17-20, IASPEI, ASC, Makati City, Philippines, 10th ASC General Assembly, Web:
- 17-21, UNESCO-IOC, Barcelona, Spain, 2nd International Ocean Research Conference. Web:
- 17-22, IAVCEI, Queretaro, Mexico, 5th International Maar Conference. Web:
- 18-21, IUGG, GRC, Madrid, Spain, GEORISK 2014 “Improving Geophysical Risk Assessment, Forecasting, and Management”. Web:
- 24-26, IUGG, IAG, La Paz, Bolivia, Symposium SIRGAS 2014. Web:
- 26-28, IAG, ICA, ISPRS, FIG, Vienna, Austria, 11th Symposium on Location-Based Services. Web:
- 7-11, IAVCEI, Taupo, New Zealand, 5th International Workshop on Collapse Caldera. Web:
- 11-14, IAHS, New Orleans, LA, USA, IAHS/ICCE International Symposium – Sediment Dynamics: Form the Summit to the Sea. Web:
- 15-19, AGU, San Francisco, USA, AGU Fall Meeting. Web:

End of IUGG Electronic Journal Volume 14 Number 10 (1 October 2014)
